Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tower BTS

Tower which we can see all across us can only transmit waves only upto 1.5km out door and .500mtrs indoor. which lot of us are not aware.
After which they are actualy sharing with other sites. At times it will show 2 - 3 sites in our network which means its wave fluctation. For comapnies like Vodafone Kerala has got nearly 3200 sites as their own and other shared sites. For every company Tower is given to client party, ie For Airtel - Nokia siemens, Aircel - Huawei, Idea - Nokia Siemens, Tata GSM - Huawei, Shyam Telecom - huawei, BSNL 3G - Huawei. These company are monitoring their sites 24*7 in their NOC room.